Les échos de la Vague de Vie...
"That is what motivates me"
A common thread runs among us: we can all recall at least one instance in which LifeWave patches have helped someone live a better life. Some of these stories seem to stand out more than others.
For instance, I recently had a young man visit me who was recovering from surgery treatment for testicular cancer. At only 24 years old, he was living with nearly unbearable pain levels every day since his surgery last April. This type of pain takes its toll, not only physically but mentally as well. After visits to six different doctors and four separate clinics, days filled with pain and nights without sleep, he was losing hope.
Using infrared imaging, I was able to identify various sources of pain in his soft tissue - not just in the abdomen, where the surgery had occurred, but in different areas in the body. Given this young man's level of pain, therapies such as electrical stimulation and ultrasound inflicted too much discomfort.
I did have one great tool at my disposal - the IceWave patches. I used the Kidney 1 point, placing patches on the bottom of both feet, as this point has proven highly effective for relieving all-over body pain. I then placed a second set of patches on his upper shoulders, to reduce pain in the spine. Finally, I used a third set of patches on the abdomen, over the surgical scar where the young man complained of excruciating pain. The result was more than I could have hoped for. Within hours of wearing the patches, he reported that his pain level was cut in half, from an eight down to about a four. This is a remarkable result for someone who has been living with a high level of acute pain for months!
What we were able to offer this young man is incredible hope. Upon follow up, we were happy to see him much restored in both body and spirit. This was possible because of the unique tools we have in hand at LifeWave, tools that can drive energy in the body to cut off a very acute pain response. With these tools, we can help a vast majority of people live a better life, and that is what drives and continually motivates me!
Dr. Dean Clark, D.C.
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Florian Hernandez